Help Chiang Mai hill tribe students enter Thai education system, Every 4,270 THB donated provides education for 1 hill tribe student in Chiang Mai
1,513 givers
Hill tribe students are left behind the education system in Thailand due to their remote school location. 4DekDoi provides hill tribe scholarships to gain access to education opportunities for students in rural Chiang Mai. Every 4,270 THB donated provides education for 1 hill tribe student in Chiang Mai
Students in hill tribe schools have limited access to the education system due to their remote school location. Lacking study materials, uniforms, proper housing and healthcare, hill tribe students are left behind academically and removed from potential for better life opportunities.
4DekDoi Mission
4DekDoi initiates hill-tribe (dek doi) scholarships to open access to education opportunities for students in hill tribe, rural Chiang Mai. The organization also focuses on improving the quality of life of hill tribes, consisting of food, housing, medicine and clothes.
Started in 2010, the organization operates during October to January and is facilitated by volunteer teachers. 4DekDoi has successfully sent 23 students into the Thai education system, the highest education received being Mathayom 6 (grade 12).
Every 4,270 THB donated provides education for 1 hill tribe student in Chiang Mai
Your Impact
Every Baht of your donation via purchasing GiveCards or direct transaction goes to buy class materials, uniforms, and lunch for hill tribe students. Expenses for school uniform and class supplies costs 1,270 THB in 1 year for 1 student, while 1 year round lunch expenses for 1 student costs 3,000 THB. Every 4,270 THB donated provides education for 1 hill tribe student in Chiang Mai
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